Migrating to Hugo

I recently migrated my blog from to a static site powered by Hugo on Netlify.

While I had no problems with with respect to hosting, ease of setup or use, I did not care for the plugin situation. Specifically, Wordpress has a very limited whitelist of Javascript functionality and plugins on the personal plan, and this leads to some weirdness around behavior.

For example, I can install the Wordpress Mailchimp plugin to collect emails for post updates, but only the pop-up version. If a reader closes the popup, the only way to get it back is to delete the cookie it sets–which is done by no one ever. Mailchimp the product allows for a form to collect emails, but HTML forms are disabled on Wordpress personal plan except the contact form. That leaves the Wordpress version of “Get notified on post updates” as a permanent submission form, meaning there are two different email lists to maintain. That Wordpress form also received 5-7 spam signups per week, unless I’m mistaken in how popular addresses are among the tech crowd these days.

I could have upgraded to the “Business” tier for around $30 per month to fix the plugin situation, but that’s a little rich for a personal blog. Self-hosting a Wordpress install was not something I wanted to sign myself up for–uptime, patching, scaling.

HostGator promises a similar CDN-cache situation to, along with the ability to install plugins on the basic plan, though I was put off by the add-on fee for HTTPS. It’s 2018, HTTPS with a SNI cert should be in the standard offerings category and that felt like a warning flag. Come to find out that Hostgator still stores passwords in plaintext, and that made Hostgator a non-starter.

I was clued in to Netlify and also by some tweets that Baron Schwartz (@xaprb) had made about the service. The solution seemed like what I needed, even though it would be a slightly heavier lift in migration.

The Migration Process

I’ve reordered the steps here from what I did to make more sense and have fewer back-and-forth jumps.

Get the content out of Wordpress

There exists a Wordpress-to-hugo-exporter, which is a Wordpress plugin. Being on the personal plan, I couldn’t install a custom plugin. There are instructions on setting up a Docker Compose setup to mirror, but it’s marked as untested on the README and requires matching the WP version on

Instead, I found a blog post referencing a project called exitwp. It seemed to do what I wanted, and being a Python project I figured I could overcome any issues that cropped up. The goal was to export it into Jekyll, and then have Hugo interpret that content.

ExitWP is a Python 2.7 application, download it and work out of the clone directory.

mkvirtualenv exitwp
pip install -r pip_requirements.txt

ExitWP has a configuration file, called config.yaml. Inside there’s a body_replace section, which does additional text substitutions. I chose to replace [code] with the highlight shortcode for Jekyll.

body_replace: {
    '\[code.*="(.*)"\]': '{% highlight \1 %}',
    '\[\/code\]': '{% endhighlight %}',
} allows site owners to export their content to XML. That XML file goes into the wordpress-xml directory of exitwp. Calling ExitWP with python will extract the blog posts to build/jekyll/$DOMAIN.

This is a bit of a guess and check number based on the syntax used in the blog posts. I originally tried converting the [caption] tags to HTML, but couldn’t get the syntax right. I decided the few instances of the caption tag weren’t worth trying to fix my regex, and elected to continue and fix that manually later.

The Wordpress export will not export images, so those still needed to be downloaded.

Some grep-xargs magic to download them. wget -P sets the download directory. I had performed this step after setting up Hugo and getting the content mostly imported, which is why static/img is the download directory.

grep $POSTS_DIRECTORY | sed 's/.*(\(https:.*\)).*/\1/' |  xargs -I{} wget -P static/img/ {}

Then all of the posts needed updating to be relative links

# In-place edit to the relative url path, which is img for me
find . -type f -exec sed -i.bak 's/https.*\/20[0-9][0-9]\/[0-9][0-9]\/\(.*\)/\/img\/\1/' {} \;
# Check everything, then remove the .bak files

Setup Hugo

Hugo is easy to setup on a Mac. brew install hugo.

After Hugo was installed, I could import the “Jekyll” blog I had.

hugo import jekyll $PATH_TO_EXITWP/build/jekyll/$DOMAIN /tmp/blog

I wasn’t sure what sort of trash could get generated by the import (ends up none at all, it’s a valid install), but the tool wants a clean directory. Importing directly into my empty repo from Github was a no-no, so I set it up in temp and then moved the files into the folder destined for Github.

Hugo takes a config.toml file, which is where themes are specified, along with template variables, which as far as I can tell is called “front matter”. I spent a bit of time learning how that works.

Clean Up Markdown

With the double conversion I performed I ended up with some weird Markdown. It seems that most lines containing a *, like bullet points or emphasis, contained extra newlines. Rendering-wise, this changes a <li>text</li> to <li><p>text</p></li>. Not a huge deal.

I also had to clean up the markdown to use some Hugo-specific shortcodes.

  • Those image captions were changed to be captions on the “figure” shortcode
  • Youtube, twitter shortcodes for embeds, rather than Wordpress’s
  • Update all links to be relative

The last one was a big update. lets you easily link to other pages, but the export is all via permalinks. If I ever wanted to change the URL structure, the links would break. So I went and replaced each link with the Hugo shortcode, relref $page. The value of page is the name of the Markdown file, without the extension. With the export I had performed, the post titles were all of the format yyyy-mm-dd-slug, which meant I could convert the old url of yyyy/mm/dd/slug with some find & replaces.

Selecting a Theme

I went with the “Ananke” theme from the Hugo tutorial. As a starting point, it has a bunch of features and looks fairly decent, though it will need a few changes. In particular, I’m not thrilled with stock inline code formatting and its mobile/iPad layout. The CSS framework class it uses will take some getting used to.

I replaced the default hero image with an image from Subtle Patterns.

I spent some time understanding how the theme is rendered and overridden. Specifically, anything in the layouts directory will overwrite whatever is is in themes/<themename>/layouts/. It’s a nice method to override your particular theme and allow for updates of it, but that customization doesn’t appear to lend itself to frequent testing of new themes. I copied a few of the page partials and modified them to add a basic Mailchimp subscription form at the bottom of my posts as a way of playing with the templating system.

Local Testing

Hugo comes with a quick server to experiment with changes. hugo server will start a server on localhost:1313. It watches for file modifications and automatically refreshes your browser on changes.

Deploying to Netlify

Build Settings

The Netlify account setup was fairly simple. Authorize against Github and point the builds at your repo.

The build configuration was a bit tricky because screenshots get out of date. What ended up working for me was to use the netlify.toml file to dictate the configuration. With Hugo’s recent change, the public directory only gets created when HUGO_ENV=production. Setting the HUGO_VERSION means I won’t undergo any unintended upgrades.

publish = "public"
command = "hugo"

HUGO_ENV = "production"

Netlify Forms

Netlify allows you to have forms embedded on your site, something mostly restricted by As stated in their documentation, forms must contain a special netlify keyword: <form name='contact' netlify> and Netlify’s servers will substitute appropriate parameters.

Netlify forms can be forwarded to Slack, Webhook, or email, so choosing email gave the same behavior as the Wordpress contact form.

Netlify Testing

At this point, the Netlify site built and had a randomly assigned subdomain on This let me test most things, though my blog config.toml had a few values set off the intended baseUrl, meaning my choice was to either update the template to be relative urls, or wait until production to verify.

Migrating DNS

I moved from the Wordpress name servers to the Netlify nameservers. The DNS functionality is currently in beta, and it shows when compared to other DNS providers. For example, you cannot import a zone file or CSV, meaning every record must be added by hand. Fixing a mistake in MX priority or TTL requires deleting and re-adding the record. On that note, TTL could not be managed in Wordpress, so I gained some neat functionality. I expect management will get easier after Netlify drops the beta moniker.

I had some problems with stale upstream DNS caches that lasted about 16-20 hours. Instead of loading my new site, it served up the old IP addresses. There’s not much anyone can do about that other than wait or not change name servers.

Enabling SSL

Netlify provides a Let’s Encrypt certificate on their CDN for your site. I enabled it, though had some issues where it added a cert for * (i.e. for my freebie subdomain) rather than I wrote into support and they corrected the issue same-day.

After the cert issue was ironed out, I was able to enforce HTTPS.


Hugo has a wonderful quick-start and the ease of dropping in a few themes to play with was similar to the first-run experience of Wordpress, albeit with more command line involvement. I’m no designer, so the selection of templates went a long way to help get me started.

Netlify was incredibly simple to get started with, once I got the configuration. The DNS management, one-click SSL and HTTPS reinforcement was so easy to work with.

I mentioned and I intend to use the service after understanding Hugo and my site layout more. A CMS for a static site generator is incredibly exciting, though I’m enjoying writing this blog post in raw Markdown. personal tier has Markdown support, but it’s not the same feeling as other Markdown editors.

If you’re curious and would like to check out this site’s source code, you can find it on

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