Playing with Python Structured Logs

Recently I’ve been experimenting with the Python project structlog to add structured logging to our in-house applications. The eventual plan would be to emit the logs to an ELK stack with JSON parsing, instead of the much more complicated set of rules we have to custom define for each type of log file ingested today.

This post is my current understanding of structlog, reordered from how the docs are arranged to make a bit more sense to me. If you’re familiar with the library and have something to add–let me know, I’d love to hear from you.

Basic Usage

Structlog is installed with pip install structlog, optionally adding colorama for color output in a terminal.

# Old code
import logging
log = logging.getLogger()

# New code
import structlog
log = structlog.getLogger() # or structlog.get_logger()

At this point the logging usage is identical, but you can add key-value pairs to the log calls."Hello World", a=1)
# 2018-08-23 17:59.51 Hello World                    a=1

Already this is an improvement for tools like awk or sed.

Powerful Structured Logging

Configuring structlog

While the basic usage is great for getting started, it still has a lot of training wheels attached.

The power of structlog comes from the concept of “processors”, which are a pipeline of functions that modify the event – the event_dict in all of the example code. Since event_dict is a dictionary, keys can be modified as needed in each function before the next function is called.

The last step in the processor function chain is the Renderer function, which takes in the event_dict and “renders” it appropriately for the output handler. By default, and with most of the examples, this is the logging library from Python’s stdlib. So effectively there’s an arbitrary dict that gets massaged into the kwargs for logging.getLogger().log().

import structlog
# This configures the module, needed only once per process.
# Any subsequent code only calls structlog.get_logger()

log = structlog.get_logger()"Hello World")

# This outputs
# event='Hello World' level='info'

However, the basic usage comes with a bunch of processors that have to be explicitly defined when processors is modified, since it’s a list rather than a numerically ordered set of middlewares like Scrapy.

This is the documented suggested configuration for use with logging:

import structlog


At this point I came to a screeching halt and had to take a step back to understand what was going on.

Breaking Down The Processors

The processors in question do the normal pipeline of operations that logging does, but I’ve never gone deep into logging except to know that:

  1. logging will only output when the desired log level meets the logging level threshold.
  2. I should use % formatted strings and pass the substitutions as args to log.log()

These are optimizations in the logging library to minimize unnecessary processing. The first rule allows us to entirely skip DEBUG messages when we’re not logging DEBUG. The second rule allows us to bypass string interpolation on those calls.

So similarly, our processors do this work.

import structlog

        # This performs the initial filtering, so we don't
        # evaluate e.g. DEBUG when unnecessary
        # Adds logger=module_name (e.g __main__)
        # Adds level=info, debug, etc.
        # Performs the % string interpolation as expected
        # Include the stack when stack_info=True
        # Include the exception when exc_info=True
        # e.g log.exception() or log.warning(exc_info=True)'s behavior
        # Decodes the unicode values in any kv pairs
        # Creates the necessary args, kwargs for log()
    # Our "event_dict" is explicitly a dict
    # There's also structlog.threadlocal.wrap_dict(dict) in some examples
    # which keeps global context as well as thread locals
    # Provides the logging.Logger for the underlaying log call
    # Provides predefined methods - log.debug(),, etc.
    # Caching of our logger

Other batteries included

Other nifty processors that come out of the box include:

  • structlog.processors.ExceptionPrettyPrinter(), which will pop the exception information off the event_dict and print the familiar “Traceback (most recent call last):” text.
  •, which provides some nicer terminal layouts than the unconfigured structlog.
  • structlog.processors.JSONRenderer(), JSON. Call with the sort_keys=True for human readability
  • structlog.processors.TimeStamper(), adds a timestamp key, defaulting to UTC.

The structlog processor library is a mix of classes and functions. The classes initially tripped me up with an error message about __init__ positional arguments before I realized not everything was a function.

Any classes have to be instantiated (generally with a configuration) before being included in the processor pipeline. The processor then makes a call to the object, treating it as a function. This works because all of these included classes are defined with the magic method __call__.

Custom Processors

This idea of processors opens up significant power to customize the logging pipeline globally. As mentioned, the pipeline is a list of Python functions.

Beyond tagging enforcement, like adding a timestamp and host info, or modifying the pipeline based on a deployment target, these custom functions allow for event sampling–very necessary to avoid data collection overload.

Any processor can prevent an event from continuing through the processing chain by raising the exception structlog.DropEvent.

Here’s an example with the ever popular FizzBuzz that will drop every “Fizz”, as well as every other “FizzBuzz”. While just a toy example, this could be extended to anything – log every delete but only 1 of 100 search queries.

class FizzDropper(object):
    def __call__(self, logger, method_name, event_dict):
        # An example of keying off log message
        if event_dict.get('event') == "Fizz":
            raise structlog.DropEvent
        # An example of keying off additional data
        count = event_dict.get('count')
        if count and count % 3 == 0 and count % 5 != 0:
            raise structlog.DropEvent
        return event_dict

class FizzBuzzDropper(object):
    counter = 0
    def __call__(self, logger, method_name, event_dict):
        if event_dict.get('event') == "Fizz Buzz":
            self.counter += 1
            if self.counter % 2 == 0:
                raise structlog.DropEvent
        return event_dict

log = get_logger()

for i in range(1, 100):
    if i % 3 == 0 and i % 5 == 0:
        log.error("Fizz Buzz", count=i)
    elif i % 3 == 0:
        # This should go missing!"Fizz", count=i)
    elif i % 5 == 0:"Buzz", count=i)
    else:, count=i)

Simple sampling like this is easy, effectively sampling is a hard problem. I recommend reading Baron Schwartz’s blog post on selecting representative samples if you’re interested more in sampling.

Migrating to structlog

If I could update all the code in my environment at once, switching to structlog could be done in an afternoon. However, I have multiple projects with their own update schedules. I also have Sentry to contend with, which is tied into the logging library.


I found one Github issue relating to configuring structlog with Sentry, but it ended up confusing me more than helping. So here’s what did work for me in testing:

import logging
from raven import Client
from raven.handlers.logging import SentryHandler

sentry_handler = SentryHandler(Client(SENTRY_DSN))

log = structlog.get_logger()

    1 / 0
except ZeroDivisionError:
    log.exception("Div by Zero")

Conceptually what’s happening is we configure a logging handler, attach it to the root logger, and then let structlog fetch the root logger via the default logger_factory.

External libraries

Without changing everything to structlog at once, I also have to contend with loggers in imported libraries that have not yet been updated or are outside my control–otherwise the logs will be half JSON, half traditional Python messages. That’s a sure guarantee to break any parser reading these logs.

The structlog docs suggest python-json-logger.

Pieced together from a few code snippets in the examples, we get a setup that looks like this:

import logging
import sys
from pythonjsonlogger import jsonlogger

# Setup jsonlogger to print JSON
json_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)

# Setup Sentry to only report on errors
sentry_handler = SentryHandler(Client(SENTRY_DSN))

# Add both handlers to logging
    handlers=[json_handler, sentry_handler],
    level=logging.INFO,  # Or whatever the general level should be

# The processor list
processors = [
    structlog.stdlib.filter_by_level,  # First step, filter by level to
    structlog.stdlib.add_logger_name,  # module name
    structlog.stdlib.add_log_level,  # log level
    structlog.stdlib.PositionalArgumentsFormatter(),  # % formatting
    structlog.processors.StackInfoRenderer(),  # adds stack if stack_info=True
    structlog.processors.format_exc_info,  # Formats exc_info
    structlog.processors.UnicodeDecoder(),  # Decodes all bytes in dict to unicode
    structlog.processors.TimeStamper(),  # Because timestamps! UTC by default
    structlog.stdlib.render_to_log_kwargs,  # Preps for logging call

# Configure structlog

log = get_logger()

# App code"Starting app")
from module import foo
foo()  # function with logging.getLogger().info("foo")

Now any modules I import in my application will log with JSON, albeit without my pipeline additions. My text in the log.log() becomes the "message" key of the JSON.

{"message": "Starting app", "logger": "__main__", "level": "info", "timestamp": 1535063721.076024}
{"message": "foo"}

If I used a renderer other than render_to_log_kwargs, there’s a possibility the entire JSON will instead be encoded as the value in the message key, like {"message": "event='Starting' level='info' logger='__main__' timestamp=1535058769.622922"}. It’s important to double check the format of the output while testing and that Sentry is correctly grouping the log messages sent.

Now I can gradually migrate over my internal libraries to structlog, but all of the application’s logs switch to JSON at one time.

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